mandag 28. september 2009

ENGLISH: Homework due Wednesday 30th

1) Point of wiew is a term which is used to explain an opinion or meaning. Ex when Vingo and the girl were talking about Florida, someone had told their own opinion about Florida to the little girl. She heard that Florida was a beautiful place. In the text "Going Home" by Pete Hamill.

2) Concord: the verb has to fit its subject in English. When he, she or it could take place for the subject. Then we will find the third person. Ex. The girl next door makes dinner.

3) The diffrence between adverbs and adjectives: When you write a text with lot of adverbs, it will get more questions about the story because the adverb don't describe the happening so well. But the adjectives would tell us more about the action.

4) I have selected to write about the main character Vingo in the short story "Going Home" Vingo had a dusty face masking his age, dressed in small suit. He also had fingers stained from cigarettes. Vingo had been in jail in four years in New York. He is married to his wife and got some kids, he had only one question: Would my wife take me back?

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